dhuutha lakshana

                                             ¥; ,laIK 
   w;S; fy, fjolfuys úfYaIfhka i¾m úI fjolu ;=, Ndú;d l, wk¾. frda. ksYaph lsÍfï l%uhla f,i ¥; ,laIK úoHdj oelaúh yel' fuu ,smsh u.ska tu ¥; ,laIKhka ljf¾o hkak oekqj;a lsÍug leue;af;ñ'

1' b÷f¾ isg lsh;s khs j¾.h lsh       kq
   .sks fldk jhU ijquh fmd,Õd lsh   kq
   jreK lrje,a f;,sila úi hhs o      kq
   f.dakqiq bidfka ksh;hs oek lsh        kq
2' lr lrje,a Wrud ú,a inr,        lS
   okh fmdf,dka je, ñg f;,siai     lS
   uQk n,d /õ fok kd. úih          lS
   fuf,i ÿg kef;d;a úi ke;s i¾mh lS
3' Wkd jr, n¢ñka Tyq isák ;e     k
   Wvìu bj; úuid l÷¨ msiñ      k
   oE; fojqr jiñka Tyq isák ;e    k
   fuf,i ÿfgda;ska Tyq meñK ldf, k 
4' Wÿrd mhska ;k fk,ñka isák ;e     k
   fid÷r weÕs,af,ka j, idrhs t;      k
   weÿrd ÿg flfkla fï ,l=Kq oek lsh k
   weÿrd lshhs ksh;hs meñK ldf,       k
5' ;slau weÿre hk tk wjqi|g oe   kd
   oelau fmr u.g t;sje,a ndk f.   kd
   blau l¨ j;la weoÿkq B /f.      kd
   /lau ;uhs ure f.k Tyq lem jq   kd
6' fidfydka fmfk,a,la iqr;ska ord f. k
    fhfyka oro ysia l, Wl=f,ka /f. k
    lshka hk .uka fmr u. isg wi     k
    fkdhka fjojdß fu,l=Kq ÿfgda;s     k

7' fidfydka fmfk,a,la f.k tf;hs o  kq
    ls¨gq j;hs bijg neïuhs n,        kq
    fufjks ,l=Kq we;=ju wdkka lsh     kq
    kiS ;=ka mehla we;=<; uhs lsh       kq
8' jrf,i Wkd tk nj oek lshñka    fka
    W;=f¾ isg f.kuhs mjika           fka
    jfï mhska ìu idrhs oka              fka
    tfia ÿfgd;a fomEhskau kiska        fka
9' úIf>dar i¾mhd ldms lshka         fka
    tk ,l=fkka .=rejr úuika        fka
    ju;ska Tyqf.a Wf¾ lika          fka
10  ì,sf|la legqju lf;lao tka    fka
      weú;a ;ud ,Õ w~d jefgka    fka
      uQk o msisñka w~d jefgka       fka
      /õ fok khs úiuhs mjika     fka
11',l=Kq wx. fid| f,ig n,ka    fka
     ol=K w;ska Wf. ,euo lika   fka
     kef.k fofia isg f.ku lshka fka
     ,l=Kq fufia fmd,Õd oek .ka  fka
12' kqjqia fkdñá ñksfyla oek .ka fka
      .=rejr f.oro lshkd tka      fka
      bi w; .dñka lshhs fnd,ka   fka
      fufjks ,l=Kq udms,d lshka    fka
13' rk ÿgq ñksfihs ths,isfka     hd
     lïuq,a liñka lshhs fidf|a    hd
     tjeks ,l=Kq ÿgqfjd;a ,isfka  hd
     ;sridfrka udúks ,l=fka        hd
14' weú;a isák Tyq Wor lika       fka
     ;efkl fkdisg weúÈ;s oek.ka  fka
     fndfida ÿlls .=rejreks lshka    fka
     ;sr idfrka f.uähhs fnd,ka    fka
15' Wl=,g w; .iñka mjika       fka
      mud ke;=j hka .=reks lshka    fka
      i;=re nila fuka ÿjf.k tka  fka
      wx. ,l=Kq islk,hs lshka      fka
                           ffjoH YsIH i|rejka rúydr


The Eight Branches of Ayurveda in English

The Eight Branches of  Ayurveda

"Kaaya baala graha urdhvaanga shalya damshtra jara vrshan Ashtau angaani tasyaahuh chikitsa yeshu samsthitaah."
-Ashtanga hrdayam

Ayurveda has 8 branches in it. They are-

1. Kaaya Chikitsa (Internal Medicine),

2. Baala Chikitsa (Treatment of Children / Pediatrics),

3. Graha Chikitsa (Demonology / Psychology),

4. Urdhvaanga Chikitsa (Treatment of disease above the clavicle),

5. Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery),

6. Damstra Chikitsa (Toxicology),

7. Jara Chikitsa (Geriatrics, Rejuvenation),

8. Vrsha Chikitsa (Aphrodisiac therapy).

The word 'Kaya' represents 'Agni' - the digestive fire in the body. It is responsible for the metabolism in the body. The imbalance to this 'Agni' is the cause for many diseases. Kaya chikitsa deals with the treatment of general ailments, such as fever, diarrhea and cough, by treating Agni.

Baala chikitsa:

This deals in treating children. This is also called kumara Brtya. There are three aspects that must be remembered while treating children-

Children cannot explain their complaints

The dosage of medicine is different for them

The medicines given to them must be palatable to them.

Due to these conditions, treating children is done in a different manner. Hence a separate branch is devoted for them.

Graha chikitsa

This branch of Ayurveda deals with diseases like insanity, epilepsy and diseases caused by affliction of external factors such as evil sprits and ghosts. In other words it may be known as the branch that deals with the treatment of psychosomatic diseases.

Urdhvanga chikitsa

This branch of Ayurveda deals with the treatment of diseases of the organs above the clavicle. It includes the treatment of eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, teeth and head.

Shalya chikitsa

It deals with treatment of diseases caused by foreign bodies and diseases that need surgical therapies. It is carried out only for diseases, which cannot be cured by medicines.

Visha chikitsa

  This form of treatment deals with the treatment of poisoning from animals, such as snakes, insects, spiders, scorpions and also of plants, metals and minerals.

Rasayana chikitsa

It deals in rejuvenation and restoring the youthfulness of an individual and deals with various therapies and herbs that have to be taken to restore the youth & vitality.

Vajikarana chikitsa

This branch of Ayurveda deals with treatment that helps to get good progeny. It provides various medicines and therapies to improve the virility and the sexual prowess of a person to help him to get a good progeny.

                                                                                      - Sandaruwan Ravihara -


The Eight Branches of Ayurveda sinhala translation

                            wIaGdx. wdhq¾fõoh
    foõ f,dj wdrïN jQ il, wdhq¾fõoh ms,sn| talu;sl jQ ldh Ñls;aid iïm%odh yd Y,H Ñls;aid iïm%oh fldgia  8 lg fnod ;sfí'fï ish¨ fldgia ms,sn| úfYaI{ ffjoHjre isáhy'

wdhq¾fõofhys i|yka wx. wg "

     ldh nd,# .%fyda¾oajdx. Y,H odkaIaGd crd jDIdka

 1'ldh Ñls;aidj
 2'nd, frda. Ñls;aidj
 3'.%y fyj;a N+; Ñls;aidj
 4'W¾oj fyj;a id,dlH
 5'Y,H ;ka;%h
 6'w.o ;ka;%h
 7'ridhk ;ka;%h
 8'jDYH fyj;a jdÖlrK ;ka;%h 

          w.o ;ka;%h

   wdhq¾fõofhys i|yka wx. wg w;=ßka mia jeks wx.h w.o ;ka;%h kï fõ' fï jkdys úI iys; i;=kaf.ka YÍr .; jk úI yd w,"uq,a"m;%"mdIdK"yd lD;su úI wd§ kka jeoereï úIo tajdfha l%shdjkao tajd iukh ùug jqjukd Wmfoia iy Ñls;aid W.kajk YdIa;%hhs'
                  w.o ;ka;%x kdu i¾m lSgd ¨;d
                  jDYaÑl uQIsld§ oIaG úI úil+ckd¾:x
                  úúO úI ixfhda. úfIdmyfkdam iukd¾:ï

    bÈß ,sms fm, u.ska foaYSh úI fjolu ;=, Ndú; l, ¥; ,laIK ms<sn|j Tn oekqj;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjñ'
                                                                                                                                         ffjoH YsIH i|rejka rúydr